Double birthday weekend

When I was a teenager I was not much of a cook. My repertoire consisted of macaroni cheese and not much else. I famously (infamously?) managed to cook a pizza on its polystyrene base when my pals were round.

So it is a little surprising that I've turned into a baker. OK, I've still got plenty to learn but I managed to make oodles of tasty cake for our double birthday weekend over Easter. It was Dad's 70th followed hot on the heels by P's 7th. And I made an accordion. Get me!

The weekend passed in a blur of butter cream, chocolate and catching up with extended family, including the much adored younger cousin for a day visit on the Sunday. It was lovely to have everyone visit. The girls miss their grandparents and it had seemed a long time since, as they might put it, they'd seen their 'silly, funny old granddad'.

Now she is seven, P is really growing up. No party! Instead this weekend it is a birthday treat and we (the four of us and P's best friend from school) are going to the theatre for Northern Ballet Theatre's Beauty and the Beast followed by a meal out somewhere. How nice not to be preparing sandwiches that would end up in the bin, cooking cocktail sausages, wrapping pass-the-parcel, buying tat for party bags and getting stressed about who moved or didn't in musical statues. We're going to have a lovely day.

The birthday cake is long gone, so there'll be none congealing in a fancy serviette for our guest tomorrow.   I'll probably be taking a rest from baking for a couple more weeks, as it has not done the waistline any favours, but it was very satisfying at the time. We have a family get together in June to celebrate this 70th birthday again joint with Martin's 40th of earlier this year. Now what cake can I make for that party I wonder... a musical note perhaps? All suggestions welcome!
